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4 ways to experience the benefits of solitude

We shouldn’t be afraid of solitude, we should embrace it. Carving out time for ourselves is just as important as connecting with others, it’s finding a balance that works for you. Voluntary solitude can be there to help us recharge our social battery, boost our clarity and reduce stress. We were inspired to write this blog based on the Diary of a CEO podcast with Dr Rangam Chattergee - 3 Steps To Core Happiness. In this podcast, he talks about the benefits of solitude to help us find happiness in our lives. It’s a topic we need to speak about more, with all the distractions in our lives we also need time to stop and experience time alone.

Here are 4 simple ways to find more moments of solitude in your life.

Confident young African businesswoman looking out at the city skyline through an office building window

Digital Detox

Even when we’re physically alone, we’re only one notification away from connecting with a friend, loved one or any old stranger with a Facebook account. While the former is amazing, overstimulation is a real problem for a lot of us. Whether it’s for 10 minutes or 10 days, time away from social media and your device is only a positive thing.

Next time you pick up your phone, ask yourself why? Is it to do something productive like, sending an email or setting an alarm or is it to go on Instagram and mindlessly scroll because you have nothing to do? If it is to procrastinate, stop yourself in your tracks and try a mindful activity. Tip - this would be a good time to pick up your journal and write about why you think you chose at that moment to scroll. Write about how you feel in the moment and how it feels not to have given in to that habit.

Want more journal prompt ideas? Check out our last blog.

After your detox take some time to clear out your digital space. Delete any unused apps or random screenshots in your camera roll, archive that group chat from 2019 and finally turn off unimportant notifications. After all, our devices are brilliant tools that can help manage our daily lives. Consider the intention of using your devices for utility and productivity rather than as a distraction. Introduce 10 minutes of device-free into your daily life and see how that works for you.

Back view of gracious young woman doing meditation in cozy room. She is sitting in lotus position while raising arms and connecting fingers. Full relaxation concept

Candle & Smoke Meditation

Maybe you’re on your digital detox and you’d like to avoid using your device to mediate. Knowing some alternative digital-free meditations can really help. Meditating with candles and incense (for smoke) is a great alternative to traditional sitting meditation.

Simply light your candle or incense stick and draw your focus onto the dancing flame or flowing wisps of smoke. It’s completely normal if your eyes start watering and you feel as though you’re blinking at the start, as you gather your focus this will improve.

Steady your breath and think about the scent, what notes do you notice? Think about how that scent makes you feel, does it remind you of a memory? Notice how the fire and smoke flicker or how the wax becomes fluid. Allow your mind to ponder these thoughts whilst you focus on the object. If your mind wanders to something else, that is completely normal. Simply bring your focus back to your object.

Choose a length of time based on what feels good for your practice. That could be 1 minute or 20 minutes. It’s your own preference.

Young african american woman sits inside of new modern car.

Mindful Driving

How often do you go into your own world when driving? Then all of a sudden you’re at your destination, you’ve been on autopilot. Not only can this be dangerous, but can feel like we’ve lost sense of time. Studies have shown that people feel happier when they have more variety in their daily routines.

Try driving without music and focus on the sounds inside and outside the car. Try driving a new route to keep your attention on the road ahead. For those of you that use the Waze app, (if you’re not you should be! It’s brilliant.) Waze partnered with Headspace to include a specialist sat-nav voice that is intended to help drivers be more present whilst driving. For free!

Mix your journeys and regain a little extra time in the day that has been lost to distractions.

Capture life, live

Capture life through your own eyes rather than through the lens of a camera. Sure, photos act as wonderful memories but try to consider that you don’t need to post every moment on social media. When we live for the experiences and not for the perfect photos there’s no distraction from the now, there is no pressure or comparison and we can being to fill our lives with moments for ourselves and not for the world to see.

Head outside for a walk to find a quiet peaceful spot and take in the view. Listen to the sounds of nature and enjoy life for what it is in the moment.

Love & light,

Sharon & Emma X

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Lally Benjamin
14 июл. 2022 г.


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