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My Reiki Healing Experience

"The Reiki Master then asked me what had brought me to have Reiki Therapy. I shared that sometimes I can lose direction and get overwhelmed when I have a lot going on. It was for the experience and to help me find clarity in my life. By providing this insight she was able to tailor the experience to my own goals and objectives."

Rei - Ki

"A Japanese healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being."

If you read my last blog, you know that life is a bit of a whirlwind at the moment and I’ve been needing to find some space for myself and refocus. Here’s where Reiki comes in. I’ve been intrigued about Reiki Therapy for a while on my well-being journey and I thought there is no better time than the present to give it a go.

Disclaimer: If you’re someone who is curious but has no idea what to expect, you’re just like me. By no means am I an expert as I’ve just started my journey with the practice, however, I thought I would speak on my experience and help you make a decision for yourself. This blog is not sponsored and I paid for 100% of the therapy myself.

As a part of my research, I put up a poll on my Instagram asking if anyone has tried complementary/alternative therapies.

I was really interested to see these results. Reiki is an age-old practice, just as Yoga is, however, we’re only just getting to grips with it in the western world. More and more people are searching for more spiritually based, alternative therapies. We’re hearing about these practices but not really knowing what they are and how they will benefit us.

It was important to me to find a Reiki Master who was well recommended to deliver the experience. I found Emma, an experienced Reiki Master based in Nottingham. She made me feel at ease and was clearly very knowledgeable about the practice.

Before we started, she explained the experience in full and that she would let me know if she visualises anything during the session. She explained that Reiki is used for healing the mind, body and spirit by releasing congestion from energy centres to enable a good flow of energy.

Emma then asked me what had brought me to have Reiki Therapy. I shared that sometimes I can lose direction and get overwhelmed when I have a lot going on. It was for the experience and to help me find clarity in my life. By providing this insight she was able to tailor the experience to my own goals and objectives.

After this introduction I was asked to lay down, (it was a massage table/couch- very comfy!) she played some relaxing music and she placed a crystal on each of the 7 chakra points:

  1. The Crown

  2. The Third Eye

  3. The Throat

  4. The Heart

  5. The Solar Plexus

  6. The Sacral

  7. The Root

This graphic gives a great basic overview of the 7 chakras. However, if you want to know more... Start here -

After placing crystals on my body, Emma left the room to ground herself ahead of the practice.

She started from the head and laid hands on each area of my body anti-clockwise:

Head, shoulder, right arm, right hand, right leg, feet, left leg, left hand, left arm, across the chest and over eyes.

During the therapy, I had my eyes closed. The way I can describe the feeling is that of deep relaxation and as if I was floating. There were times during the therapy when I was drifting between being a sleepy consciousness and being awake. I did, however, feel fully aware of what was happening throughout the therapy.

I won’t go into the specifics of the conversation that we had afterwards as it will be a personal experience for everyone. However, Emma told me that I have beautiful energy and not many blockages, which surprised me. We spoke about empathic personalities and why people can carry other people's energy. She did mention she saw two things during the therapy, one of which was possibly my spirit animal as it was on the left side of my body which is the love side.

All in all, the session lasted around an hour.

After the experience, and me being me(!) I was thinking that the Herma May fragrance Jasmine & Frankincense would have been the perfect fragrance to accompany this as it brings me comfort and good memories.

Upon reflection, I feel that the experience of Reiki Therapy did bring me some clarity as I left feeling as though I felt like a weight had been lifted. I’m glad I gave it a go and believe that it is a great alternative therapy if you’re open to more spiritual-based practices.

If you’re looking to give in to your own curiosity, please take a look at Emma’s Reiki Therapy as she is a wonderful Reiki Master.

Love & Light,


Emma’s Reiki Therapy is based in Nottingham


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