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Updated: Apr 11, 2022

As a busy mum juggling university, a day job, Herma May and modelling it's easy to get caught up in the hustle of everyday life. While I’m grateful to have the time to work towards my goals, I’m particularly feeling the need to find focus at the moment. I find that consistency is key and when I’m not regularly practising the things that help me keep focused, I feel it in other areas of life. If you know Herma May you know I’m all about enhancing your ambience and wellbeing, so I wanted to share some simple ways I like to regain my focus and get back on track when life gets busy.


Everyone has their own experience with meditation. It isn’t a one size fits all habit, which is why it can be hard to maintain. We hear all the time that regular mindfulness practices can help with sleep, stress, focus, the list goes on. There are lots of different apps that focus on different types of meditation so it can be hard to know where to start.

I use Balance, I love this app as it is completely personalised. It asks questions and tailors your meditation experience based on how you respond. It’s this unique personalisation aspect that drew me in.

Balance is currently offering an entire year for free to new subscribers. Take a look at Balance here:

Illustration of woman in lotus position meditating in living room with plants


Of course, you knew I would say something about enhancing your space. But it’s true, I find that something as simple as lighting a candle or wax melt before starting my next task helps me move into that flow and focused state.

Home fragrance is an easy way to elevate a space without breaking the budget. Different scents have the power to evoke different moods and emotions.

Try making a ritual of lighting a candle in a relaxing scent before you ‘Eat that frog!’ (If you know, you know!) and see how that works for you.

Illustration of relaxed woman holding a candle in her hands


I do my best to drink as much water as I can. But, sometimes I forget… and I know you probably do too. We all know that it’s recommended to have 6-8 glasses of water per day, but is anyone actually ticking that off throughout the day?

When I’m talking about hydration, it’s more about listening to what your body needs. If you need water, drink water. I am a huge lover of herbal tea, (which also counts as hydration, by the way!) my favourite at the moment is Twinings Superblends Glow, so I drink that. There’s water in everything, fruit, vegetables; variety is key and I find when I’m listening to my body and feeding it what I think it needs I’m more focused.

James Clear, the writer of Atomic Habits, talks about how the more attractive a habit is, the more likely that will stick. So, if that means getting a beautiful new water bottle or some elegant glass straws, do it! And find enjoyment in your everyday.

Illustration of woman sat at desk in front of laptop holding mug that says Best BOSS


I think people underestimate the power of journaling. We spend so much time on our phones typing and scrolling, I think a lot of people have forgotten the power of putting pen to paper and allowing your hand to flow freely across the page as you think. Taking the time to get what’s in my head and onto the page allows me to see truly what I value in life. It helps me plan my days, be clearer on my goals and in turn get me back to focus. It can be daunting at first to open your journal and your mind is as blank as the page in front of you…. I’ve definitely been there.

However, there is an abundance of resources online to explore. But if that is too overwhelming an easy way to start is to focus on gratitude.

Gratitude Journal Prompts

What is something that made me smile today?

What is one good thing that happened to me today? I am grateful today because…

(Keep an eye out because I'm planning on sharing some more of my favourite journal prompts on this blog soon.)

Remember, no one is telling you to do it every day either. If you miss a day or you only want to do it once per week, that works too. Try it at different times of the day. Try timing yourself, start free writing for 2 mins then move to 5 mins. You may be surprised by what you might discover about yourself.

Illustration of woman sat on window ledge looking out at nature landscape at sunset


You know just as well as I do that social media and mindless scrolling is a focus drainer and can leave you in a worse state. With a lot of my work being online it can feel like information overload if I don’t allow myself to switch off.

I like to give myself restful breaks from my work such as meditating, making myself a cup of herbal tea or lighting a candle rather than spending that time on my phone. It’s the little things in between tasks that help me keep my focus on the important things.

I also use exercise as a way to focus my mind alongside my passion for candle making, of course.

Illustration of woman in side plank vasisthasana yoga position watching a video on tablet in living room

I hope by sharing some of the techniques I use when I need to find focus, you’re able to do the same. They may work for you, they may not. I find it particularly helpful to remind myself that it’s about not being perfect all of the time. Consistency is better than perfection. Find the balance that works for you. Love & light,

Sharon x

We may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. At Herma May, we believe it’s crucial to be as transparent as possible with our readers. We will only ever provide honest opinions and recommendations for the products and services that are mentioned across the Herma May Home Fragrance website, social media or e-commerce marketplace and regularly donate a percentage of these earnings to wellbeing charities.

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Lally Benjamin
Jul 14, 2022

This is a nice article

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